Interchangeable Parts

I’ve fallen out of the habit of writing.  And I’m typing more than ever. But sending replies or initiating requests...

My Sober Lens

What I can do is remind myself where I come from and where I am going. If I do that, then everything in between proves far less consequential than my mind makes it out to be.

Everything & Everyone

Hardship is the building block of glee.

Social Isolation

One look at two roads back to normal.

Destroying the World

Our ill does not stem from which side wins but that each side is blind to the existence of the opposite in itself. We seem to have lost the ability to recognize that our differences make us laughably similar. And so long as we believe any rhetoric hinged upon “us verse them” we will never fight that more glorious and worthy warfare of “us verse ourselves.”


A tribute to my father-in-law.

The Process

Trusting the process can be an effective way to accept hardships and loss.

Role Reversal

Reversing the role of your inner-addict can be done. Not only is it possible, but there are examples of it in the biographies and stories of men and women throughout history.

2020 Is Hindsight

Whatever your journey, we’re all in recovery from something. And sometimes the best way to move forward is by looking back, not to wallow in how little you’ve journeyed, but to marvel in how far you’ve come. 

Away We Go

It is what it is. Stay in your lane. Let's unpack what those phrases really mean.


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